Rehoboth Beach Yoga Center

1/2 Day Workshop ONLINE - Unraveling the knots and the nots
with Kushala (Kelly)


November 18 (Saturday)
at 1:30 pm

Class length
180 minutes


Where do you carry your knots of tension? In your back? Your ribcage? Your shoulders? Your neck? Unravel those knots, wherever they are, in this online ½ day workshop. You’ll stand taller with more balance and ease when you’re done. As you open your spine, you also open your mind and your heart. Where do you carry your nots? This online workshop will support your open-hearted acceptance of what is, while sparking your imagination and creativity. 

Show yourself some love with this afternoon of unraveling! This online workshop is open to students of all experience levels. Tuition; $45 - Get your pass here


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